Individual Strategy Sessions

What to Expect

Individual Strategy Sessions are a series of one-to-one consulting sessions with one of our Certified Change & Transition Strategists. The sessions are designed to help you clarify and resolve core life questions and to support you in learning tools to skillfully navigate major life changes. This is not psychotherapy; it is an “intervention” in the sense that it results in a plan of action. Together we assess what’s out of balance in your life, explore options for resolving your issues, and create a plan, complete with goals and strategies for achieving a balanced life.

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What You Gain


Through a deep exploration of your presenting question, you gain clarity about the internal and external forces that are involved in your current change and learn perspectives and techniques for staying in balance.

Align with Your

Your Strategist works with you as an ally and an advocate to support you in staying true to your values as you navigate your change and transition. In the process of this work, you identify or clarify your values and intentions and this, in and of itself, brings a sense of relief and ease to your life.

The strategy sessions are designed to help you sort out your options, discover real possibilities, and prioritize the considerations that are in play in your change and transition. From there, your Strategist will work with you to create a plan and identify the steps needed to implement it.

Change & Transition Strategy sessions let me cut through the clutter and get directly at the core issues in my life; seeing them clearly and then setting goals and timelines. The sessions were the catalyst to dramatically transforming my life – with confidence and certainty.

-Alexandra Morehouse, Chief Marketing Officer, Banner Health

Getting Started

Change & Transition Strategy sessions are custom designed for you and your needs. The initial session is typically 90 minutes or 2 hours long. Follow-up sessions may be scheduled for 60 minutes up to 2 hours, with 90 minutes being a typical duration.

Our Strategists conduct sessions in person as well as via video conference (or phone).

Your Strategist will ask you to send some biographical information prior to your first session as well as a brief overview of your current situation. This background information gives your Strategist a head start so you can get the most out of your meeting time.

While some of our Strategists offer packages, you are never obligated to complete a particular number of sessions. We recommend that you commit to doing at least four sessions as we have found this to be the minimum number of meetings needed in order to achieve results.

Our team at SkillfulChange can match you with one of our certified Strategists to suit your needs. Hourly rates vary by practitioner and we can connect you with one that fits your budget.

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After just two Change & Transition Strategy sessions, my eyes were opened. This process brought clarity and understanding to what would bring me the peace I was seeking and practical ways to get there.

-Michael Hornibrook, CEO, Precoa, Portland, OR

Are Change & Transition Strategy
Sessions for You?

~ Are you having difficulty making important life decisions?

~ Do you feel ambivalent or conflicted about many aspects of your life?

~ Do you know you need to make a change but not clear on what to do?

~ Are you struggling with a change that you did not choose?

~ Is pressure and stress taking the joy out of your life?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, working with one of our strategists will likely bring you clarity, decisiveness, and improved well-being.