Making Skillful Decisions

Applying mindfulness to decision making leads to clearer thinking and to staying connected to your core values, which is crucial to your peace of mind. Mindful decision-making enables you to go beneath the surface level of your moment-to-moment life experience, which is clouded with emotions, to see the truth of what is happening.

2020-07-09T03:14:59-07:00By |

Freedom from Fear

It is difficult living in a time of fear, but here you are, and the challenge becomes finding a way not to be consumed by it. This is best accomplished by first observing your responses to the culture of fear that surrounds you. You can then use this knowledge to work with your personal fears.

2020-07-09T03:17:21-07:00By |

How Suffering Got a Bad Name

Many people are uneasy with the fact that their lives contain suffering; therefore, they are ineffective in coping with whatever difficulties and disappointments arise. It is possible to learn to relate to your suffering in such a way that it is easier to bear.

2020-07-09T03:23:06-07:00By |