The Tyranny of Expectations

  The Tyranny of Expectations Sarah (not her real name) began by relating her good news: “Well, I landed that new job I applied for, and my husband and I got through the crisis I told you about.” Her voice, however, was surprisingly rueful, as if she were reporting that life was worse [...]

2022-04-26T11:03:47-07:00By |

Emotional Chaos to Clarity

In this book, Phillip Moffitt offers practical tools to use to live a less stressful and more purposeful, meaningful, and enjoyable life. He focuses on how mindfulness and intention can lead us to respond skillfully to challenging situations in our daily lives and thereby feel a greater sense of well-being.

2020-07-09T02:52:38-07:00By |

Making Major Life Changes

Bringing mindfulness to the longings and impulses that lead you to make major life changes provides a method for consciously and skillfully working with the complexity of moving in new directions in your life.

2020-07-09T02:58:12-07:00By |

What Is Mindfulness?

Practicing mindfulness can bring more clarity into your life and diminish the amount of suffering you experience. In this one-minute video, Phillip Moffitt gives a very clear explanation of what mindfulness is and how you will benefit from it.

2020-07-09T03:01:05-07:00By |

Differentiating Goals, Intentions, and Values

Many people lack clarity about their goals, values, and intentions. As we live out the chaos of our lives, it is inevitable that our goals, values, and intentions become enmeshed. However, they are essential reference points for staying true to ourselves and bringing clarity to confusing situations in daily life.

2021-02-10T17:50:51-08:00By |

Core Values and Essential Intentions Worksheet

Identifying your core values and then creating a few essential intentions that you are mindful of moment-to-moment in the midst of the chaos of daily life can help you stay in balance and clear-minded. Here is a worksheet we use with clients and in workshops that you can download and fill out to identify your own values and intentions.

2021-02-10T17:46:54-08:00By |