Balancing Priorities

One of the primary ways values and intentions manifest in life is through priorities. Knowing your priorities, remembering them under pressure, and acting from them are essential skills for living authentically.

2020-07-15T16:10:49-07:00By |

Making Major Life Changes

Bringing mindfulness to the longings and impulses that lead you to make major life changes provides a method for consciously and skillfully working with the complexity of moving in new directions in your life.

2020-07-09T02:58:12-07:00By |

Ten Values Associated with Well-Being

Just as we have outer priorities in our lives that guide us in our decision-making and setting goals, we have inner priorities, too. The values that we live by can be considered our inner priorities and they guide us in how we implement our outer priorities. These are ten values particularly beneficial to developing an enduring sense of well-being.

2021-02-10T17:49:46-08:00By |

Making Skillful Decisions

Applying mindfulness to decision making leads to clearer thinking and to staying connected to your core values, which is crucial to your peace of mind. Mindful decision-making enables you to go beneath the surface level of your moment-to-moment life experience, which is clouded with emotions, to see the truth of what is happening.

2020-07-09T03:14:59-07:00By |